The Call Center OSIRC Solution SpA service is based on a distributed "Client / Server" architecture with "phone and Computer" integration.
Our network of collaborators allows us to activate work stations in the areas with the greatest influx of call lines from the Client's customers.
Qualified operators manage the relationship with the customers entrusted, taking charge of the company philosophy and the guidelines of our Clients.
The technological development of communication and data research systems is associated with the fundamental contribution of the professional and human experience of its specialists.
All activities conform to the provisions contained in the text of decree no. 679/2016 on the protection of privacy.
The service allows to offer its customers continuous, professional and safe assistance for all kinds of problems concerning the management of post-sales and payments.
You can monitor the habits of your customers, avoiding annoying service interruptions and improving the image your company has on the market.
The service is specifically aimed at verifying newly expired / recent credits / invoices.
The aim of the telephone reminder service is to obtain the collection of receivables quickly and to allow the identification of the problems that have determined the aggravation of the position.